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Government Grant Assistance with Mitigation Costs

Lastly, we want to remind you of the details of the Radon Mitigation Grant.  The Canadian Lung Association has a radon mitigation grant of $1500 towards the cost of a radon mitigation system.  This is intended to help homeowners who can't afford radon mitigation.  In order to qualify for this grant, a homeowner must provide a radon report of 91 days duration or longer using an approved device (such as an Alpha track detector - a test using a consumer-grade electronic radon monitor will not qualify ).  Homeowners must apply with a quote from a certified C-NRPP professional prior to getting any work done ,and they must show proof of qualification which includes proof of income below the criteria or lung cancer diagnosis.  I've attached a sheet of easy to print and cut information about the grant.  You can find more information online here:   (the application link is on the red bar).


Requirements for application

- a Radon measuremetn of 91 days or longer using a C-NRPP approved device

-apply with a quote from a C-NRPP professional BEFORE starting the mitigation work 

-Proof of eligibility including proof of income or lung cancer diagnosos




The Canadian Lung Cancer Association has recently launched a new grant program to help people across Canada afford radon mitigation services.

The Lungs Matter Grant Program  aims to provide financial support to individuals who have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer and individuals considered a low-moderate income housolds with priority given to the low-income houshold.

Canadian Lung Canver Association Radon MItigation Grant:






Home Inspections Introduce Radon Testing

Alder Creek Inspections and Consulting, serving areas Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Cambridge, Stratford, Goderich, Woodstock, and other areas around Southwestern Ontario.

Homes in Canada Radon levels have been measured from as low as 10Bq/m3 to as high as 10,000Bq/m3. Health Canada recomends levels over 200Bq/m3 should be mitigated. Short term tests are completed to determine if a longb term test should be completed. Normally we recomend once you reach a level much over 100Bq/m3 a long term test should be completed for more accurate levels. If your home stays under the 200Bq/m3 mark you should re-test at some point from 3 - 5 years again. If your home shows from between 200Bq/m3 to 600Bq/m3 mitic=gation shpuld be completed within 2 years. If over 600Bq/m3 mitigation should be completed in less than 1 year.

During a normal home inspection this cannot be detected. Radon caries no odour or taste. To  complete these tests a licenced CNRPP technician needs to perform these to cary the appropriate validity for legal purposes. A home sale is one of these cases. 

Alder Creek Inspection and Consulting can also complete air quaility testing for Pathogens, Molds, Asthma Triggers, etc.

Alder Creek affiliation with RespirCare for air quality tesing and 3rd party varification for grow opps, and other remediation purposes. 

Odour removal systems for bad smells in homes is completed through ozone shock treatments. This is a extremely effective process that does not leave behind any residue in the home or building.


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Tom Weber
Name: Tom Weber
Posts: 11
Last Post: October 13, 2017