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Government Grant Assistance with Mitigation Costs

Lastly, we want to remind you of the details of the Radon Mitigation Grant.  The Canadian Lung Association has a radon mitigation grant of $1500 towards the cost of a radon mitigation system.  This is intended to help homeowners who can't afford radon mitigation.  In order to qualify for this grant, a homeowner must provide a radon report of 91 days duration or longer using an approved device (such as an Alpha track detector - a test using a consumer-grade electronic radon monitor will not qualify ).  Homeowners must apply with a quote from a certified C-NRPP professional prior to getting any work done ,and they must show proof of qualification which includes proof of income below the criteria or lung cancer diagnosis.  I've attached a sheet of easy to print and cut information about the grant.  You can find more information online here:   (the application link is on the red bar).


Requirements for application

- a Radon measuremetn of 91 days or longer using a C-NRPP approved device

-apply with a quote from a C-NRPP professional BEFORE starting the mitigation work 

-Proof of eligibility including proof of income or lung cancer diagnosos




The Canadian Lung Cancer Association has recently launched a new grant program to help people across Canada afford radon mitigation services.

The Lungs Matter Grant Program  aims to provide financial support to individuals who have been diagnosed with Lung Cancer and individuals considered a low-moderate income housolds with priority given to the low-income houshold.

Canadian Lung Canver Association Radon MItigation Grant:






What is Radon


Radon is the natural radioactive element uranium and is present everywhere in rocks and soil. The radio active decay of uranium produces radium, which in turn decays to Radon, a radiocative colourless and odourless inert gas. As it is a gas, it can move easily through bedrock and soil and escape into the outdoor air or seep into a home or building. All soil contains uranium, so Radon is present in all types of soils. Radon that moves from the ground to the outdoor is rapidly diluted to low concentrations and is not a health concern.

  The air pressure inside a building is lower than in the soil surrounding the foundation. This draws in the gases, including Radon , through openings in the foundation where it is in contact with the ground. This includes construction joints, gaps, around srvice pipes and support posts, floor drains and sums, cracks in foundationwalls, and in floor slabsa, and in openings in concrete block walls. Once inside the building, Radon can accumulate to high levels and becomes a long term health concern.


Although High Radon concentrations are associated with some geological formations, types of soil, housing tye, and foundation construction vary so much from place to place that "Radon Potential maps" are poor indicators of the Radon concentration in an individual home. Even similar houses next to each other can vary different average Radon concentrations. 

The only way to know if a home has a high Radon concentration is to measure the Radon Concentration.



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Tom Weber
Name: Tom Weber
Posts: 11
Last Post: October 13, 2017